we have an open question policy: we’d prefer you ask 1000 questions freely before you purchase and feel 100% comfortable than for you to buy feeling unsure without any questions. We welcome questions and love to help our clients feel sure. Please look below to read many common questions we have answered. If you have any questions not listed below feel free to email us.
1. Is the bag real leather?
The bag is guaranteed to be 100% made of real leather which is imported to match that of the original make. We use a range of leathers depending on what is used by the authentic brand on the original bag. You can see the excellence of the leather quality in our preshipment photos by clicking here but seeing it in person is the best!
2 .What does the bag come with?
The bag will come with a box, authentication cards, and when available pamphlets etc. Not all brands send pamphlets so we only send the items you can expect with the original.
3. What kind of replica quality are your bags?
We sell counter quality or mirror image replicas. These are the best replicas available in the replica market period.
4. Why are your bags more expensive than other sites?
You get what you pay for – if you wish to shop at other sites and receive a bag that reflects the price you are free to do so. Over 90% of our clientele owns real designer bags therefore we only sell the best replica bags and our price reflects this level of quality.
5. Where do you ship? What is the cost of shipping?
We ship internationally to most countries around the world! The cost of shipping is $35 per order flat. We provide a discount when you purchase multiple bags on the shipping.
6. How long does it take to ship?
Processing takes 1-3 business days, and 7-11 business days to ship out. We provide a tracking number you can use to get updated information about your parcel online.
7. Will I be charged taxes/duty fees?
99.9% of our clients do not pay taxes or duty fees however these things are controlled by your local government, and we cannot control the process. Every parcel is processed through customs and the time frame can range. If you are charged taxes/duties you must pay them to your government in order to receive your goods. We mark parcels as gifts/low value to avoid customs and this works 99.99% of the time. If your parcel is seized by customs it is not our liability as our duty is to fulfill the order and send it (once again seizure does not happen 99.99% of the time). You can refer to your local import laws if you are unsure of possible taxation.
8. How can I order?
You simply need to add a product to your cart and checkout. If you want a color not listed simply mention it in your order notes to inquire about availability and place an order through there.
9. What is your return policy?
We will return or replace the bag if damaged, defective, or not as ordered. We do not refund if you simply change your mind about the color or style. We encourage you to consult our customer service to make sure you make the right choice when ordering a specific style or color! We are very reasonable with our clients, and know that a returning clients is better than a client that purchases only once to be disappointed and this helps with our success as a company!
10. What payment method do you accept?
We accept Western Union, Moneygram, and wire transfer. Detailed payment information is given when you place an order in an invoice.
11. Why can’t you accept Paypal?
Paypal does not work with replica sellers, otherwise we would love to accept them. However the reality is that we cannot. You can read more about this in a blog post we have written on payment methods by clicking here.
12. Why can’t you accept credit cards directly?
Due to high fraud incident rates we have decided to no longer accept credit cards directly. This is to protect both our clients and ourselves. You can read more about this in a blog post we have written on payment methods by clicking here.
13. How do I request the receipt?
Please mention when sending your order email that you would like a receipt and we will include it for you. Please be aware that this increases the chance of a duty fee being levied if the parcel is inspected by customs.
14. Do you have any products not listed?
We add new products weekly and have certain unlisted products that will be added soon! Feel free to contact our customer service about a particular item or brand by emailing.
15. Why are my emails not being answered?
Either a) your emails are in our junk folder (which we check weekly), or b) you are not receiving our responses. Feel free to chat with us or leave an offline message and we will get back to you promptly! We receive hundreds of emails daily so please allow 24 hours to receive a response.
16. How can I check the status of my order?
You can to receive an update or you can chat with a live agent that will be able to look into your order status.
17. Do you provide wholesale pricing?
We supports many third party sellers that purchase wholesale from us and run their own successful businesses. We can provide wholesale pricing per request. Please with a specific product list and we will gladly provide pricing or you can add us on Wechat and request wholesale pricing.
18. What is the main difference between your bags and the original bags from the official stores?
Our bags are over 90% accurate and the key differences you will find may be the weight of the hardware (5-10% lighter) or some of the serial numbers may be out of date compared to the original production. However none of these differences are visual, and in many cases the bags are an equal replacement for the original. Material-wise we do not skimp on the bags and this reflects in the quality and praise of our brand. Considering you are saving over 90% in price we believe the differences are negligible at most, and our clients (most of which own authentic bags) agree. Additionally some clients have returned our bags as real to the original stores (we do not condone this practice) but this is a testament to the quality.
19. Will the bag I buy look like the ones in the pictures?
We guarantee the bag will look like the ones in photos on our site – this is the We quality promise. You can view preshipment photos from recent orders by clicking here!
20. I am wary of trusting you with my payment and am afraid to buy. How can I trust you?
We understand that there are many scams online and that it is difficult to shop online especially for something like a replica product, but we treat our clients money like our money and this is why our business is successful. We do not push any client to buy as we already receive a high volume of orders – if you do not trust us that is fine and we don’t want you to feel uncomfortable buying from us. If you are wary of sending a large amount of money we suggest you start with a smaller item and once you verify our quality you will definitely be back for more like our other clients. If you still feel wary then please remember shopping with us is a choice, and we want you to be 100% comfortable before buying. You can read a detailed post on our payment methods by clicking here!
21. What if my bag has a quality issue? Will you help me?
We have a warranty on our bags and will gladly help with the repair or replacement of any issues deemed to be quality or production issues. Please contact our customer service if you require assistance with this.